
iMean AI Builder - The Future of AI Workflow Creation

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iMean AI Builder is set to revolutionize the way we think about and interact with automated workflows. Although still in the pre-launch phase, this tool has already been instrumental in creating the workflows for our Copilot feature. Stay tuned for its upcoming release!

Key Components

Builder Plugin

Builder Plugin Doc


Type: Chrome Extension

Function: The Builder Plugin is the primary interface for recording your online activities.

This Chrome extension is designed to capture actions, creating a base for automated workflows.

Ideal for streamlining routine tasks and enhancing productivity.

Annotation Platform

Annotation Platform (Alpha Test)


Type: Web-based Platform

Function: Complementing the Builder Plugin, our web-based platform offers advanced annotation tools and workflow arrangement capabilities.

you can refine and customize their recorded workflows, adding specific instructions and decision-making logic.

Upcoming Features

<aside> ✅ As we gear up for the launch of iMean AI Builder, here are some anticipated features:


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